roses & eucalyptus | anatomy of a bouquet | image via: bekuh b.

After a prolonged break, I'm excited to get back into flower arranging. Practice makes perfect as they say. There's no better way to throw myself back into this, than to start with an anatomy of a bouquet.

This month's bouquet is a rosy mix, with unexpected textures to keep the blooms feeling fresh, and approachable. The soft aroma filled our tiny living room, and with my eyes closed I almost believed I was sitting among the roses in an English garden.

1 | Standard Roses- Typically relegated to my "do not buy" list at the grocery flower counter, I decided to challenge myself with including them in this assortment. They were my statement flower, and to help open them a little wider I used my fingers to push the petals apart. This made them feel a little more organic and less austere.

2 | Spray Roses- Petite and delicate, I love to use spray roses as my "filler" flower in bouquets. I tend to be drawn to white or soft pinks in these types of flowers, but similar to carnations you can find them in almost any hue.

3 | Leucadendron- This exotic leafy filler has become a favorite of mine. Each bunch feels slightly different than the last, though the spiky texture remains consistent. It's that unexpected touch that makes the roses feel less sweet.

4 | Eucalyptus- I love the almost medicinal smell of eucalyptus, and the variety of leaf styles in this genus. I like to pickup a fresh batch now and again to hang in our shower, so this inclusion served double duty for me. Selfish I know.

Check back tomorrow for the finished bouquet- it's a blushing beauty. - b.