It may be jumping the gun (just a little) to start talking about Christmas, but I'm going to anyway. Over the weekend Ryan and I bundled up, and braved the very cold, to buy our Christmas Tree! Of course I had to share our tree on the blog, its tradition. I've decided to just embrace the season and really get into it starting now, because really who's going to stop me?

Over the weekend it came to both Ryan and my attention that between travel, work, and holiday parties our weekends are pretty much booked solid through the new year, which meant if wanted a tree we had to get it stat. So on Sunday morning we bundled up in some of our warmest gear and headed out to Terrain. We had already decided that we wanted to pick a sustainable Christmas tree option this year, not only because we thought it was the responsible thing to do, but because our miniature apartment can could only handle a baby sized fir. So with that in mind we found the cutest, must needly tree on in the whole place. I think she's perfect.

Though we don't have a place to plant her after the holidays we know someone who does, and they'll be giving this little beauty a place to live for the next hundred years. Give or take a few. Have any of you taken the plunge and put up your tree? - b.